Friday, May 9, 2014

GIS I Lab 5: Mini Final Project

Introduction: The question I posed for this lab was which town in Lane County would be the best environment to create a home near recreation? My objectives are to maximize the accessibility to nature as well as well as minimize large amounts of traffic from cars and people. Specifically, I focused on the parameters for proximity to be at least thirty miles away from interstates, a mile or less from water bodies and state parks, with a town population less than or equal to 7,000 citizens. My intended audience is simply people who desire a connection to the natural world; perhaps to people who wish for a place to escape or would simply enjoy a quieter lifestyle.

Data Sources: For this particular question, I was able to use the data within the ArcGIS program under the Oregon file. My main concern for this project’s data is the age of the population data. It has been over four years since the last population survey was taken, and much could have happened within this time, therefore possibly changing my results drastically. Another concern of mine is the quality of water located near the town. My goal of this project was to determine a recreation friendly place to live; the data simply shows that water bodies exist there, but not necessarily if the water is swimmable and fishable.


Objective One: Create the Geospatial Basis for Lane County

This required me to connect the data from the ‘mgisdata’ folder to my computer. This folder contained all of the feature classes I used in this project. From here I created a file geodatabase to hold all of my data in order to easily locate it. Next I allocated Lane County as the county I would focus on for the entirety of my project. This meant creating a new layer by exporting the data solely for Lane County. I kept the original projection for this county because it was already set to an Oregon projected coordinate system.

Objective Two: Add the Data and Create Parameters

For this step I added the feature classes for interstates, cities, waterbodies, and parks. I then used to ‘cut’ tool to reduce those feature classes to the size of Lane County, thereby speeding up the processing time for the future.

My first parameter was selecting a town smaller than or equal to 7,000 people. To execute this I queried the data under the ‘Select By Attributes’ tab. I then created a new layer from these selected points and deleted the regular ‘cities’ feature class.

My next desired limitation for the data of my project was to ensure that whatever town was desirable had a water body within one mile. To do this I created a one-mile buffer on the feature class. In addition, I utilized the dissolve tool to unify the lines amongst the buffer.

Next I wanted to also create a one-mile buffer around State Parks to ensure close proximity to the Great Outdoors. To do this I needed to query NAME LIKE ‘%State Park%’ from the parks feature class to reduce the type of park considered in my project. After creating the State Parks layer I created a one-mile buffer around that as well.   
Finally, I wanted to make for a less trafficked town by eliminating close proximity to the interstate. To do this I created a thirty-mile buffer and then proceeded to use the erase tool to create a zone at least thirty miles away from the interstate.

To connect the entire project together I used the intersect tool to create an input of the buffered layers: water bodies and state parks; the queried less than or equal to 7,000 people layer, and the erased thirty mile zone around the interstate. This resulted in the determination that Dunes City was the optimum place to build.  

Objective Three: Create a Cartographically Pleasing Map

To clean up my map I made sure that all of the layers were appropriately placed so they could all be viewed at the same time. This meant that I made the county layer ‘hollow’ to make sure that it was clear to the viewers. I only included the buffered zones of each parameter that I set up to make the map easier to view. In addition, I created a legend labeling all of the final results in a user-friendly manner. I also thought that it would be helpful to label the cities with less than 7,000 people so I did that, while specifically highlighting Dunes City with a star. In addition to creating the initial map of the county, I also added another frame with the exact same data to be able to additionally zoom in on Dunes City to see the lay of the land enlarged. I created a third frame as a locator map to show were Lane County was located in proximity to the rest of Oregon. I added a North Arrow as well as two scale bars (one for Lane County and the other for Dunes City) to get a better idea of the size of the areas mapped.

Data Flow Model for Lab 5 Parameters
Results: The final outcome of this project was determining that Dunes City, Oregon is a very good place to build a home in close proximity to water, state parks, and away from the interstate. Additionally, the small size of this town would allow for a quiet place to live, which is often appreciated by those who love the outdoors. This area was determined by using the intersect tool to connect all of the parameters.

Final Lab 5 Map

Evaluation: I truly enjoyed working on this project. It allowed me to utilize the tools I had learned throughout the course and apply it to something relevant and interesting to me. I faced few challenges, but the most bothersome was the difficultly in querying the parks data to just represent state parks. Through much trial and error, this was finally managed. If I redid this project I think I would have looked into more data from the county itself. This would have given me more specific feature classes to look at. Additionally, I would have selected an area of the county rather than a city to create a cabin, which would provide more privacy than the city limits.

Source: ESRI Software

Thursday, May 1, 2014

GIS I Lab 4: Vector Analysis with ArcGIS

Goal: To use various geoprocessing tools for vector analysis in ArcGIS to determine suitable habitat for bears in the study area of Marquette County, Michigan.

Background: The Michigan DNR would like to be able to see which areas within their management should be studied for suitable bear habitats.


Objective 1: Add bear points and give them a spatial position

To first begin the process, I needed to attain all of the data from our class folder, which contained the USGS and DNR information on the bears locations and landcover. In order to use the X, Y coordinates that the individual bears were identified with, a created a temporary ‘event theme’. To use the coordinates in the map, I needed to ‘add data’, ‘add x y coordinates’, set the coordinates to match the geodatabases’ coordinate system, and then export the data to create a feature class of the bear location points.

Objective 2: Determine the bear habitat

In order to figure out what kind of habitats bears live in, I needed to perform a spatial join for the bear_locations and landcover feature classes. This then enabled me to access the attribute table and determine what the top three forest types are most popular for bears.

Objective 2b: Are streams important to bear habitats?

Because bears are often seen near streams, I wanted to determine how vital that body of water is for bear habitats. To do this, I used a select by location; I used the bear_cover as the target layer and the streams as the source layer. This enabled me to calculate all bear location points within 500 meters of a stream. I found out that 72% of bears reside near streams, therefore it is a very important habitat characteristic.

Objective 3: What are the suitable areas of bear habitats based on research in Marquette County Michigan?

To figure out which areas are suitable for bears, I used ArcToolbox to create a buffer for the ‘streams’ feature class to 500 meters, which created a layer. Following that, I used the intersect tool to highlight the land polygons that intersected with the streams. The input used for this tool was the buffer_streams and sut_land. In order to remove the internal boundaries of the overlaying polygons, I used the dissolve tool and used the streams_buffer_intersect as the input. This cleaned up the image to make it appear cleaner.

Objective 4: Make a recommendation for the Michigan DNR based on the area of land they manage

To only include the areas of the DNR management within Marquette County, I used the ArcToolbox to clip the segments out. This was done by using the study_area as the input and the dnr_mgmt as the clipped portion. The next step was to intersect the dnr_study and streams_buffer_intersect_dissolve to create the DNR suitable area.

Objective 5: Take away bear habitat study possibilities up to 5 km away from urban land.

In this step it was critical to make a layer called urban_land with the ‘Urban or Built Up Land’ within the major type field within the landcover data. This allowed me to create a 5-kilometer buffer around the urban areas. From this I conducted an erase on the landcover_buffer so all of the previously suitable land within the 5 kilometers of urban land was erased. This left me with the bear habitat 5 kilometers away from the urban landcover.

Objective 6: Report results in a map and a blog post.

I first cleaned up the legend of the map by renaming the feature classes in order to clarify the symbols for the viewers. The map includes the location of the bears, streams, and the results from objective 3 and objective 5. I added a north arrow and a scale bar for orientation and size purposes. In addition, to understand the location of Marquette County in Michigan, I created a locator map highlighting the county within a map of Michigan. In addition, I added the sources from which the data was collected.


Streams from:

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

GIS I Lab 3: Introduction to GPS

Goal: To create a geodatabase in order to set up ArcMap with the Trimble Juno GPS. The basemap of UWEC will be applied to the points, lines, and polygons collected via the Trimble. This lab teaches the basics of the Trimble Juno GPS and ArcPad as well as the ability to transfer data onto the ArcGIS program.


Tasks for Objective One: Create a geodatabase and deploy the geodatabase for ArcPad to the Trimble Juno for field data collection.

Create a file geodatabase within ArcMap. Within that geodatabase, I created new feature classes in the categories of points, lines, and polygons to be able to account for the various GPS units I would plot in the field. This process requires establishing a coordinate system for each feature class. Additionally, I uploaded the main campus building file as well as the rasterdataset from the class folder. In order to differentiate the feature classes, I established unique symbols for the various features.

Tasks for Objective Two:

To set up ArcMap to be compatible with the Juno, I needed to turn on the ArcPad Data Manager through the customize menu. Through accessing this manager, I clicked the ‘Get Data’ button to begin the process of allowing ArcPad and ArcMap to work together. Most of the settings on the Action Menu within the wizard are able to be set to default, but I changed all of the layers to ‘check out’ and the CampusImage was linked to JPG2000. Finally, I created a place to store the data. From there I used the deployment option to create the ArcPad data.  

Tasks for Objective Three: Deploy data to Juno

In order to transfer the data on the computer to the Juno device, I needed to connect the device to the computer using a USB cable. Following that step, I cut the lab file from the hard drive onto the Trimble Juno drive. From here, I was able to look within the GPS unit to find the map from the computer. I did such by opening the ArcPad application and opened up the document I had previously saved in ArcMap. To become comfortable with the application before I went out in the field, I explored ArcPad and re-established which features had which symbols.

Tasks for Objective Four: Become familiar with the basics of the Trimble Juno GPS and ArcPad through an instructor led demo.

This objective was really to establish the core knowledge in order to collect the proper data. As a class, we went outside and differentiated between the ‘add a GPS Vertex’ and ‘add a GPS Vertex Continuously’.

Tasks for Objective Five: Collect point, line, and polygon features in the field using ArcPad on the Trimble Juno GPS

For this portion, I went outside to the campus mall in order to collect the points on the Juno GPS. To maintain the most accurate feature data, I chose to use the ‘add a GPS Vertex’.  I took three points for three different light posts and three points for three different trees. I took two points on either side of the footbridge to create a line feature. For my polygons, I used at least three points to create four polygons of various grass areas. After collecting my data, I saved the map and closed the program.

Tasks for Objective Six: Check the collected data back into ArcGIS from the field.

This objective required me to reconnect the Juno to the computer. Before the data could be transferred, I needed to paste the data from the Juno back into my lab folder. After opening the .mxd folder I needed to ‘check in’ to the ArcPad data manager toolbar. This required me to click the green plus sign and ‘check’ all of the points, lines, and polygons, and select ‘check in’. Once I completed this, I created a clean map of all of my data as well as a legend, title, north arrow, scale, source, and the author name.


Once all of the data was added to ArcMap, I noticed that there were some errors regarding the positioning of GPS in relation to the topographic map of the UWEC Campus. All of the points, lines, and polygons were shifted in regards to the topographic and aerial map. This shows the gap for error that needs to be accounted for when using the Juno Trimble. The footbridge, especially, shows that even in my attempt to make the line as straight as possible, GPS units in the price of hundreds to a couple thousand are not perfect. Additionally, the precise shape for the polygons and the line is skewed because many more points would have needed to be recorded in order to get the most accurate coordinates.


·      GPS data: collected by Emily Moothart
·      Topographic Base Map: UWEC Server, W:\geog\LidarData\EauClaireCity_3in_2013\MrSids folder

·      Aerial Map: GIS Online, UWECCampusBaseMap

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

GIS I Lab 2: Downloading GIS Data

March 14th, 2014

Goal: The purpose of this lab is to be able to download data from an outside source and upload it to ArcMap in order to map the data.

Background: There is a plethora of statistics on the US Census that provide a free and reliable source to extract data regarding the US. This can specifically be used to determine trends in smaller regions, such as Wisconsin and its counties.


Tasks for Objective One: Download 2010 Census Data

For this objective, I needed to connect to the US Census website in order to obtain data to download for my map. This required me to narrow down the search to find statistics for the total population of Wisconsin in 2010. I made sure to include all of the data for each Wisconsin county. After navigating to this point, I downloaded the data and imported it to my personal GIS folder. From here, I changed the tabular data Excel file into an Excel Worksheet to enable me to add this information to ArcMap.

Tasks for Objective Two: Download the shapefile for the WI census data.

For objective two, I returned to the US census website and changed the tab atop the ‘geographies’ pop-up from ‘name’ to ‘map’. I navigated to the Wisconsin map which included the counties. As with the population statistics, I downloaded the map and added it to my ArcMap layer.

Tasks for Objective Three: Join the data together

This step required me to connect the data set for the map counties to the statistics I obtained from the US Census Bureau. This required me to right- click the map feature class to click join. I had to make sure that the tables matched in at least one category to join the tables together. Their relating point in this particular case was the Geo#ID.

Tasks for Objective Four: Map the data

After the data and map was joined together, I could finally navigate to the properties of the map and choose quantities to specialize the graduated colors that appeared for each county. In this case I wanted to equally distribute the color-to-population ratio.

Tasks for Objective Five: Map a variable of your choice.

This objective made me create a new layer which basically created a second map of Wisconsin with additional data. I chose to determine the number of vacant houses per total houses in each county. This required me to again access the US Census Bureau website. This time instead of using the people subtopic, I navigated to the housing one. I downloaded the specific information which enabled me to see the numbers of vacant houses as well as total number of houses per county. From here I again had to change the downloaded statistics to an Excel Workbook file. However, this time, the columns from the statistics file were different from the metadata. This required me to switch one of the documents’ columns to rows in order for the format to be the same between the documents. From here, I used the same Wisconsin map as before and added the new data. Then, I was able to join the attribute tables as I had previously in this lab. In order to project the data to how I desired it, I needed to make the ‘value’ the number of vacant homes in each county, and the ‘normalization’ the total number of homes in each county. (*Note, one county displayed had a ‘null’ information set for these particular statistics so it appears to be white on the map)

 After finalizing the details of the map’s data, I cleaned up both of the maps so that the titles matched what was being viewed on the map. This included adding a North arrow, legend (and tidying up the legend item descriptions), and scale bar. In addition, I added the grey base map to give a sense of the area surrounding the state of Wisconsin.

What I noticed about the maps was the particular places in which there was a high percentage of vacant homes. This often correlated with the highest population in a particular county.


Sources: (2014). American factfinder - search. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 5 Mar 2014].

Friday, February 14, 2014

GIS I Lab 1: Base Data

February 18th, 2014

Background: The main focus of this lab was to develop a basic report containing pertinent information regarding the Confluence Project, which is a project integrating the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and the Eau Claire region. This would allow for a new community arts center/ student housing and commercial retail to be located in downtown Eau Claire.

Goal: For this lab, the focus was to integrate the Confluence Project into understanding the spatial data sets.  

Methods: First I began the lab by taking note of the project and its goals before beginning the project in order to fully understand the purpose of my project (Impressions, 2014).

Objective One- Explore various data sets for the City and County of Eau Claire.

This included becoming familiar with parcels and their purpose within a city. To complete this I added the baselayer and then the ‘parcel_area’ feature class from the City of Eau Claire Database. I then applied past knowledge to locate where the parcels were by using the ‘identify’ tool. Next was the process of determining the zoning classes of Water Street. I located the street by adding ‘PRIVATE_STREET’, then using the ‘identify’ tool to determine the variety of zones used. Additionally, I added centerlines and edges were added to the map from the catalog to determine their position on the map.

Objective Two- Digitize the site for the proposed Confluence Project.

The next step was to digitize the site for the proposed Confluence Project. I did this by creating a new geodatabase, which I titled ‘EC_Confluence’. I then proceeded to add the ‘BlockGroups’ from the 2009-07-13_EauClaire geodatabase into the ‘EC_Confluence’ database. I then located the pro_site feature class and added it to the map. To begin digitizing I opened the ‘editor toolbar’, enabled the proposed site and then the Polygon too and began digitizing the area. This allowed me to highlight the parcels that UWEC has purchased for their project.

Objective Three- Learn about the Public Land Survey System

I first added a new data frame, created a basemap, and added the PLSS_Township feature dataset from both of the Eau Claire geodatabases. I then added the numbers of the various sections to the map by going under ‘properties’, then ‘labels’ and enabled the section number label. Additionally I colored the sections using a stretched color scheme to see the variations among the sections better. In order to identify the specific PLSS section that the Confluence Project was in I added the ‘PLSS Quarter_Quarter_sections’ datasets. Fro, there I was able to define the section using the legal terminology by using the legal descriptions website (Hemstead, 2014).

Objective Four: Create a brief legal description of the proposed site.

To find the legal description of the parcels of the proposed site I used the ‘identify’ tool to find the Parcel ID. I then looked up the specific information regarding each parcel using the City of Eau Claire’s Property and Assessment Search Website (, 2014). This allowed me to write a full legal report on the parcels.

Objective Five: Build a map of all relevant base data for the Confluence Project.

For this portion of the assignment, I created six different maps displaying various relevant data in relation to the Confluence Project, the first being the Civil Divisions map. This was created by adding the civil divisions project data. In this one, as well as all of the other maps under Objective Five, I added a legend, title, scale bar, and highlighted the location of the Confluence Project on the map. Because of the small scale of the map, I labeled the ‘Confluence Project’ using a callout text via the drawing toolbar.

The next map was the Census Boundaries where I added the BlockGroups and TractsGroup data. To signify the boundaries’ size, I added the ‘Population per Sq. Mi’ as ‘unique values’ under the ‘Symbology’ tab so that the viewer could see how the population varied from one area to the next. I indicted that there should be two significant digits on the legend regarding the population, which cleaned up the look on the scale.

 The PLSS Features map was quite simplistic. The PLSS_qq data was added to define the Quarter-Quarter sections. This gives a better idea of the size of the parcels, because one can determine the dimensions of the Quarter Quarter Sections from the legal description of Wisconsin online (Lippelt, 2002).

The EC City Parcel Data was basically the PLSS map from above. However, I added the parcel_area, Centerlines, and Water feature classes.

The map for Zoning was next. I added the zoning_cla and centerlines data and created a unique values color scheme in order to differentiate the various zone types. In addition, I simplified the label categories so the reader could understand them.

 I also created a Voting Districts map where the data from the voting districts class was added. In addition, I labeled the districts with their associated voting number. To view the voting district numbers more clearly I added a while halo, which was found under the properties, then symbology tab.

Results: I found making these maps very helpful in determining the basic information regarding the Confluence Project. If I was not familiar with Eau Claire, these maps would give a great picture of the location of the Confluence Project as well as the rough size of the population, density of people near the project and throughout town, layout of the city, zoning, and the variety of parcel sizes within Eau Claire.

Sources (2014). Eau claire, wi - online property assessment database - search. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 18 Feb 2014].

Hemstead, B. (2014). Plss - legal descriptions | plss. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 18 Feb 2014].

Impressions, F. (2014). Eau claire confluence project | community involvment collaboration. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 18 Feb 2014].

Legal Description and Permitted Encumbrances. (2014). [e-book] pp. B-1, B-2. Available through: Christina Hupy, Geog 335, UWEC [Accessed: 18 Feb 2014].

Lippelt, I. (2002). Understanding wisconsin township, range, and section land descriptions. [e-book] Madison, WI: pp. 1-4. Available through: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey [Accessed: 18 Feb 2014].

ZONING DISTRICTS AND MAPS. (2011). [e-book] Eau Claire: p. 510. Available through: Christina Hupy, Geog 335, UWEC [Accessed: 18 Feb 2014].